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Seniors' thesis projects garner university medals
July 15, 2016 9:24 am
Thirty-five graduating seniors were recognized recently for their outstanding thesis projects. They are recipients of the 2016 Firestone Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Research, the Robert M. Golden Medal for Excellence in Humanities and Creative Arts; and the David M. Kennedy Honors Thesis Prize. The prizewinners represent 24 academic departments and all three schools with… Read more Seniors' thesis projects garner university medals
Crisis and connection theme of Three Books program
July 13, 2016 8:50 am
Earlier this summer, Stanford launched its annual Three Books program by mailing each member of the Class of 2020 and incoming transfer students their first reading assignment – two novels and a nonfiction book. The university sent packages of books to incoming students living in 70 countries. Stanford English Professor Elizabeth Tallent selected this year’s… Read more Crisis and connection theme of Three Books program
Undergraduates developing antibiotics to fight superbugs
July 1, 2016 2:02 pm
Antibiotics have reduced deadly infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, E. coli and tetanus to rare and treatable occurrences. Unfortunately, as antibiotic usage increases both in human health and agricultural sectors, bacteria are evolving resistance to these medications. Fatalities from antibiotic-resistant bacteria are projected to increase from 23,000 to 10 million people per year in the… Read more Undergraduates developing antibiotics to fight superbugs
Stanford's commitment to combatting sexual violence
June 8, 2016 2:23 pm
Stanford has undertaken aggressive efforts in recent years to combat sexual violence and to provide support to those who experience it. Stanford adopted the “yes means yes” affirmative consent standard in its policies in 2012, two years before it became law in California. We have created new campus offices devoted specifically to sexual violence education,… Read more Stanford's commitment to combatting sexual violence
Straight talk about active shooter situations
June 2, 2016 9:18 am
In the aftermath of a shooting and lockdown at the UCLA campus on Wednesday, Stanford Police Chief Laura Wilson and Stanford Emergency Manager Keith Perry spoke to Stanford Report about precautions the campus community can take in such an emergency and preventive efforts on campus. What actions should individuals be prepared to take if confronted… Read more Straight talk about active shooter situations
Stanford freshmen to receive free bike helmets
June 2, 2016 9:09 am
Stanford freshmen will receive free bicycle helmets when they arrive on campus in the fall of 2016, thanks to a gift from two Stanford parents committed to increasing the safety of bike riding on campus. Russell Siegelman, a Stanford parent who also lectures in the Graduate School of Business, is an avid cyclist who has… Read more Stanford freshmen to receive free bike helmets
Stanford faculty launch a new Humanities Core
May 13, 2016 4:44 pm
In the 2016-17 academic year, faculty at Stanford are launching a new Humanities Core, an integrated program of courses and seminars designed to provide undergraduates with a structured and guided pathway into the humanities. The plan is for students who fulfill the requirements of the new program to earn a Humanities Core certificate – a… Read more Stanford faculty launch a new Humanities Core
Know before you go: medical travel consultations
May 4, 2016 3:30 pm
According to research from the university’s travel registry, many Stanford students, faculty and staff travel internationally during the summer whether for recreation or research. Well-prepared travelers will include these two items on their checklist of to-do tasks: reviewing the Provost’s International Travel Policy and registering their trip with the university travel registry. The Office of… Read more Know before you go: medical travel consultations
Five things for parents to know about Stanford’s 2016 Commencement Weekend
April 29, 2016 11:03 am
Stanford already has begun preparing for Commencement Weekend 2016, which will be held June 11 and 12. The event will attract some 30,000 people to the Stanford campus. Here are five things parents might like to know as they prepare for the big event. Who is giving the Commencement speech this year? Filmmaker Ken Burns… Read more Five things for parents to know about Stanford’s 2016 Commencement Weekend
At Stanford, inclusion is everyone's work
April 15, 2016 9:44 am
When the Marshall Scholarship selection committee invited Alejandro Ruizesparza to the British Consulate-General office in Chicago for an interview, the Stanford senior faced a small, but significant, problem. Ruizesparza, who is the first member of his family to attend a four-year university, didn’t own a suit. Under a new program Stanford launched last fall, known… Read more At Stanford, inclusion is everyone's work