Most Stanford Parking Permits Are Now Virtual

With the start of the new academic year, most Stanford parking permits are now virtual, saving students the hassle of waiting in line for a physical permit at Parking & Transportation Services.
Stanford recently launched a new virtual parking permit system, meaning that, instead of purchasing a physical sticker or hang tag, your student’s license plate becomes his or her virtual parking permit after purchasing a permit online.
With virtual permits, students need not go to the Parking & Transportation Services (P&TS) office to pick up a permit or wait for a physical permit to arrive in the mail. Their permit will be based on the vehicle license plate entered when purchasing the permit. Virtual permits are available immediately and can be ordered online or with a mobile device.
The permit will be valid for the date or time period the student selects—from one day up to the full academic year, which ends on Aug. 31.
Once the P&TS system is updated with your student’s registration, your student can enter his or her license plate information and purchase the permit through P&TS’s online ordering system.
P&TS has more information about the virtual parking permit system on its website, including “how to” guides for those who would like step-by-step instructions on signing in to the portal, ordering a permit and more.
When parents visit campus, students can purchase a residential permit for their use for daily parking. To park for just an hour or two, parents can use the visitor parking system, which includes parking pay machines, the ParkMobile app or metered visitor spaces.
If you have questions, or your student does, contact Stanford Parking & Transportation Services at or (650) 723-9362.